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Showing posts with the label workplace accidents

How to avoid work accidents in your company?

All jobs are exposed to most accidents and this trend keeps increasing. This happens mainly because of 3 reasons: ignorance, little to no training and lack of awareness or involvement of both company and the workers. How can you make your company a safe place and not lose money with accidents at work? Before moving on to the topic at hand today, I would like to point out that the associated costs associated with the lack of occupational risk prevention in companies are very high. Another day we will speak at length about it. Now, let's look at the basics and essentials that you need to put in place to have a safe, healthy and competitive company. It seems logical that companies should be a safe place to work, but not all companies take care of that "small" detail (irony 100%). Are you one of the companies that is affected by the accident rate? We’re going to show you 8 keys that you can apply from today to prevent and reduce the number of accidents in your company.